Training course on the use of social networks for the dissemination of the culture of Peace and Non-Violence in Sahelian countries members of ISESCO

The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) organized, on 20 and 21 October 2016, in Yamoussoukro, a training course for new media professionals on the use of social networks for dissemination Peace, culture of peace, dialogue and tolerance in the francophone African countries that are members of the organization. 

The internship aimed at mastering the tools of social networks to better promote the culture of peace. At the end of the two-day course, participants from Mali, Togo, Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea-Conakry and Senegal must be able to identify the values ​​of the culture of peace; The role and tasks of journalists and other communication actors, users of social networks in promoting and disseminating the culture of peace. Finally, one of the expected outcomes was the development and implementation of an educational communication strategy on social networks to develop attitudes and behaviors as a peace actor.

In a session on field experiences, participants were able to share, share and present good practices of social networks in promoting and disseminating the culture of peace. Particular emphasis has been placed on listening. According to Dr Doumbia Diénéba, Director of the Peace Research Department at the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Fondation and the Regional Center for Education for a Culture of Peace (CRECP), the course will enable participants to define ethical values And moralizing the use of social networks, to educate on the need to adapt the use of ICTs to the vital needs of peacebuilding in local, regional, national and international communities. "These social networks are seen as a means of cross-cultural interpersonal inter-societal and have an unlimited power of mobilization. It is therefore necessary that the contagion effect created by these social networks be in favor of promoting peace. That is why the training course for communication professionals is relevant,"she said.


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